Education, NewsStudents

Especially when you’re planning to pursue a performing arts education, choosing the right college is a major decision. You have to determine not only where your diploma will come from, but also what training will best prepare you to turn your passion into your profession. To get to the point

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Discover how you can use these tips to make syllabus planning easier.
Classroom, eLearning

A strong course syllabus is key to helping your students get the most out of their education. These documents are used to communicate everything students need to know about a given course to be successful.  Outlining goals and objectives at the beginning of the course gives students insights into what

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Schools rely on fundraising to support their students, create a better learning environment, and fund important extracurricular activities. A well-planned fundraising strategy can make a huge difference in how well your school is able to meet its students’ needs. However, without an engaging fundraising idea, it can be difficult to

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Imagine your child announces an upcoming school fundraiser and then pulls out a dreaded sales catalog. Sales-based fundraisers can be frustrating for parents who usually end up as the ones selling to friends, neighbors, family, and coworkers. Not everyone is a natural salesperson, and it can be difficult to sell

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For many school sports programs, fundraising dollars ensure the team can provide a meaningful experience for the students. But school fundraising can be tricky, as students are less likely to have the means to donate than financially independent adults. This means schools will need to host fundraisers that engage students

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Education, News

Higher education websites are crucial information hubs for colleges and universities. These websites must appeal to a wide range of audience members, including current and prospective students, parents, alumni, faculty members, community members, and more.  To accommodate such a wide variety of visitors, your university’s website must take advantage of

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Ingenious fundraising ideas for your school's pta

Many K-12 schools rely on their PTA (or parent-teacher association) to help support programs and services for their students. But valuable programming isn’t free, and many of these schools have tight budgets to work with⁠. And that’s where fundraising comes in! If you’re a member of a parent-teacher organization looking

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Explore our top list of fundraising ideas for schools to raise more.
Education, NewsFundraising

As a student, parent, educator, volunteer, or staff member, you likely have your fair share of experience when it comes to fundraising ideas for schools. You might be pumped to get started with your school’s next campaign. But you also might be burnt out by the task. Either way, choosing

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Tried and true tips for matching gifts and higher education
Education, NewsFundraising

Schools need funds to run at all, let alone to run smoothly. This is true in pre-kindergarten classes through higher education institutions. One revenue stream that many colleges and universities continuously underutilize, however, is corporate matching gifts. As a key form of workplace giving program, matching gifts and higher education

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Here are some of the most impactful ways to engage your school's volunteers.
Education, NewsFundraising

Most schools rely on volunteers to get things done⁠—from PTA management to field trip chaperoning and more. These dedicated individuals are often the backbone of the institution, which is why it’s so essential to proactively engage your school’s volunteers in strategic and impactful ways. At SchoolMoney, our top suggestions include:

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8 Crucial Alumni Data Points Your School Needs to Know
Education, NewsFundraising

For many schools, the institution’s alumni are some of its most significant supporters⁠—especially when it comes to fundraising initiatives. After all, these individuals know firsthand the impact the school has on its students, faculty, and community at large. But what the school knows about this group (i.e., which alumni data

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Easy Ways to Find Alumni Employment Data for Schools
Education, News

Does your school have access to the alumni employment data you need to optimize your fundraising and engagement efforts? Some of our favorite school fundraising ideas for institutions of all shapes and sizes have to do with effectively utilizing corporate philanthropy. Partnering with businesses both worldwide and in your community

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Read reviews of our favorite school fundraising platforms.
Education, NewsFundraising

School fundraising platforms can drastically simplify and amplify the fundraising process for all types of schools⁠—from kindergarten classes to Ivy League universities. But with so many software providers to choose from, how can you be sure you’re making the right decision? As you explore various fundraising platforms in search of

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student preparing for the SHRM-CP Certification Exam

The Society for Human Resource Management – Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) is a certification for HR leaders that requires passing a 160-question exam in a testing facility. The exam is comprehensive to the human resources discipline and includes both knowledge-based questions and situational judgment questions, covering a range of behavioral competencies

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