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The article’s title, “How Technology Can Enhance Your School’s Fundraiser,” overlaid atop students sitting in a classroom.
FundraisingSchool Marketing

It’s time for your school to plan its next fundraiser, and your team’s to-do list is beginning to grow. Between setting a budget and promoting your fundraising efforts, there’s a lot to get done in a short amount of time. Luckily, in today’s digital age, there are a variety of tools

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The article's title, "How to Increase Your School Association Membership," over young students walking down a hallway.
Education, NewsSchool Marketing

School associations dedicate significant planning and resources to support educational excellence within their communities. Associations exist to serve their members, who are the top priority. Members rely on the association for support and resources, and associations rely on members for financial support. Ultimately, a thriving school association depends upon a

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A woman putting clothing into a cardboard box for a clothing fundraiser.

When brainstorming fundraising ideas for your school, you’re probably looking for creative activities that delight students and inspire their parents to give. From food fundraisers to mini carnivals to auctions, you’ve tried all kinds of engaging fundraising events in the past. However, after a while, you’ll need to seek out new ideas

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A father and son walk out of a school together holding hands.
FundraisingSchool Marketing

Showing appreciation to your school or educational institution’s supporters helps you build a thriving community of alumni and donors. Thank you letters are a staple for showing appreciation, but expressing gratitude in new and creative ways makes your school stand out, leading to more lasting donor bonds. Your donor recognition strategy should consider who

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Elementary-aged students pose together on their school’s front steps.

The cardinal rule for promoting a fundraiser is to market in places where your supporters will see your message. After all, whether your school is hosting a golf tournament or a product fundraiser, the best marketing messages in the world are only effective if the right people see them! While every school’s

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Explore these tips to improve your booster club’s fundraising results.

Booster clubs and PTAs are incredibly valuable to the schools they serve. Parents and other volunteers fundraise to fill in gaps in school funding, fueling your school’s sports teams, fine arts programs, and other extracurricular activities. This expands students’ opportunities and enriches their lives.  As a school leader or member

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This image shows the title of the post: 5 Do’s and Don’ts of College Performing Arts Auditions.
Education, NewsStudents

For college-bound high school students, choosing where to spend the next four years of your life might seem like an overwhelming decision. After all, college is a major investment of both money and time—and that investment already begins as you go through the application process. If you’re planning to pursue a degree

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This image shows a man looking at his laptop.
Education, NewsSchool MarketingStudents

As a fraternity or sorority headquarters director, you understand that your alumni/ae are the foundation of your organization’s continued success. However, with as many generations of alumni/ae that have joined your community over the years, it can be difficult to effectively form deep, memorable relationships with them. Reinvigorate dormant relationships

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Find out how workplace giving can drive your school fundraiser in this guide.

If you’re planning a school fundraiser, you’ll likely do whatever you can to ensure it raises the most funding possible. But have you tapped into workplace giving? If the answer is “no,” you’re undoubtedly leaving a ton of potential revenue on the table. In this brief guide, we’ll explore the

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This article explores 6 reasons why a golf tournament is a good fundraiser for schools.

An unfortunate reality in today’s world is the need for schools to fundraise to fill in funding gaps to ensure student success. Whether your school is raising money for playground improvements, computer upgrades, teacher wishlists, or just the general fund, you know it takes creativity and commitment to be successful. You also

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A woman looks at a school website with her daughter. Learn tips for improving your website in this article.
Classroom, eLearningSchool Marketing

Parents, teachers, students, and community members all rely on your school website to stay connected to your school. From submitting field trip forms to checking out class syllabi, your audience visits your website with a variety of different goals in mind. However, if it’s difficult for your audience to meet these objectives,

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Testimonials from the top matching gift tool for schools
Corporate givingFundraising

At SchoolMoney, we know that equipping your institution with the right technology is a must⁠—especially when it comes to funding your operations. Thus, we often look around at the different software options, and we like to see what the schools using these tools have to say. One type of fundraising

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Set your dance students up for success with structured goals.
Education, News

As a dance studio owner or teacher, you understand the importance of facilitating your students’ growth over time. Many of your students will start at your dance studio at a young age, giving you a prime opportunity to help them develop both personally and professionally. To hone their dance skills

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Creatively fundraise by incorporating animals into your school's fundraiser.
Education, NewsFundraising

Animals have a special way of bringing people together. That’s why animal-themed fundraisers are popular among schools. Not only do these events attract a wider audience, including pet owners, animal lovers, and members of the community who may not typically participate in school events, but they also help teach students

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