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Education, News

Education, NewsStudents

We’ve all heard the old saying, “It’s not about what you know, but who knows you,” and there certainly is truth to this. 80% of jobs are not advertised, according to Howard Poplinger, owner of human resource company Epic Development and Evaluation. What does this mean for the college student?

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Top articles of 2015
Classroom, eLearningEducation, NewsFinancial Aid, TuitionStudents

Happy New Year,’s readers and followers! We covered a wide variety of exciting education-related topics geared toward students, educators and anyone else who is committed to student success. To recap, here’s a snapshot look at our most popular articles! Most Popular Posts of 2015 1. “Homeschooling: Advantages and Disadvantages”

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Education, NewsStudentsStudy Abroad

There are many aspects of studying abroad that students must consider when choosing their program and preparing for the trip: What kind of program is right for me? What will studying abroad be like? What should I pack? How do I travel on a budget?   The first step in

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Education, NewsFinancial Aid, Tuition

How will I pay for college? This one of the most daunting questions future college students have to answer. With the rising cost of tuition, financial aid plays a considerable role in funding an undergraduate education. Each year, $46 billion in grants and scholarship money is awarded by colleges and universities and

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Education, News

If you’re a student who is not interested in attending a four-year college, a two-year college can provide you with a ticket to a promising and well-paying career. This is particularly true if you are interested in the field of health care as a start to planning your well-paying medical

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Education, News

The new Common Core Standards are were first developed in 2009. The Common Core is not a curriculum, but a guide for what students should learn in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA) before they graduate from each grade. They are guidelines as to what a student has to know by

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Education, News

You’ve taken out loans, paid tuition, attended classes and finally completed your program. The only problem? You can’t afford to pay off your student debt with the job you’ve found — the pay is simply too low. The problem of students paying for worthless degrees or for programs that don’t

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Education, News

The cost of education continues to rise, leaving many potential students scrambling for a way to obtain the money to attend. While some take on the financial burden of loan debt, others look for other ways to pay for school. One of the options currently available at many universities is

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Education, News

The American education system has been geared in one direction for the last century : Sending students to pursue higher education. College is typically considered the best way for students to obtain a well-paying job, and tends to be looked at as the best route a student can take on his

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Education, News

In the past few years, coding bootcamps have been on the rise, attracting students of all ages. The rapidly train workers in the computer code has become more essential, according to the experts. Bootcamps provide an option for people who want to become part of the growing technological field but are not willing

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Education, News

Every year, the anxiety about getting into college intensifies when SAT preparation begins. Students study hard. Some hire tutors, while others look to online sources for help. Although students continue to prep, and the test continues to be updated, some colleges, students and educators are questioning the purpose and even the necessity

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Education, News

In the past few years, crowdfunding online has become increasingly popular. There are a number of different websites that allow people to post their pitch in order to raise funds to everything from vet expenses to starting a small business venture. An increasing number of students are now using crowdfunding as a way to

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Education, News

In 2007, it became apparent to the American Federal Department of Education that there were serious problems with the loan lending practices of certain education facilities. In fact, 55 colleges were faced with inquiries regarding questionable loan lending behavior. Forty-eight of these colleges had a single lender for more than 95%

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Education, News

It has become a common practice for many students to attend two years at a community college, then transfer to a four-year college or university. The movement is common enough that it has its own name – the “2 + 2 model.” If you’re considering pursuing this type of educational career,

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