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Education, News

Education, News

There is no doubt American children are gaining excessive amounts of weight. One of the sources of this weight gain, and controllable, is the school. Under such programs as the National Lunch Program (NLP) and free breakfast programs, children often receive their only main meal of the day at school.

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Education, News

In the 20th century several countries have had a higher rate of literacy than that of the United States. Among them is the Northern neighbor of Canada. Although the CIA World Fact Book now ranks Canada and the United States equally, it all depends upon the definition of the word

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Education, News

According to the book Cheating in School: What We Know And What We Can Do, the United States is in the midst of a scandal in their schools. No matter the level of education, cheating has reached epidemic levels. The authors sum up the situation accordingly, “Students from all segments

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Education, News

In this fast paced world, there tends to be a separation of the generations, in contrast to the direct interaction that once existed between family members of all ages. However, as fewer extended families live together, multi-generational families are declining. Today, single family units are common as divorce and other

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pros and cons list
Classroom, eLearningEducation, NewsStudents

Among 34 countries around the world, the United States has one of the shortest school years. The traditional school year in America is 180 days. South Korean children spend 220 days total in the classroom while Finland has a 190 day school year. Both educational systems rank higher than the

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Education, News

Native American students are at a disadvantage in the American education system. According to statistics, American Natives, including those in Alaska, comprise only 1% of the total enrollment. This figure has remained constant for the last decade. Early education approaches In the past, the entire concept of educating North American

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Education, News

Every year, qualified and experienced teachers leave the profession. Admittedly, certain circumstances make a certain percentage of teacher turnover unforeseen if not inevitable. Yet, as the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) notes, increasing rates of turnover are an issue. Education systems need to be aware of any increased rates

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