Work, Jobs

How to Create a Job Application Tracker Sheet

There’s no secret that looking for a job can be quite a bit of work, and can include multiple job applications for different types of positions to different companies. While it can be a great idea to get your resume out there to a wide range of opportunities, this can also make it easier to forget the specifics of a particular position you applied for.

After applying for several positions, you can potentially get a call from an employer at any moment, and they very well may ask, “Could you tell me a little more about what attracted you to this position?” Coming up with a solid answer to this question on the spot will likely require you to remember some details about the position and company. But how can you do so with many applications to keep track of?

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to create and maintain a job application tracker sheet to help you stay organized in your job search.

how to make a job application tracker sheet

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1. Find an Organization System That Works Best for You

First, you will need to create a central means for keeping track of details of individual job postings. Are you someone who prefers staying organized with paper? Then you might get yourself a notebook to serve as your job application tracker. If you prefer electronic organization that you can access on multiple devices from any location, then a system like Google Docs might work best for you.

Also read: Job Interview Checklist: How to Be Prepared

2. Create the Job Application Tracker Sheet Template

For keeping track of job application details, it may work best to create a template with columns for:

  • Job application date
  • Job posting site (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, company site, etc.)
  • Job position title
  • Job description (include some bullet points with key details of position)
  • Job requirements (include the type of experience they are looking for)
  • Contact name, phone number, and/or e-mail (if provided)
  • Application status (i.e., applied, invited for interview, interviewed, etc.)
  • Correspondence notes (you can include dates you speak with the employer, and details of each interaction)
  • Other notes about company or job position

By having this information retained and organized, you will have a better way of keeping track of the details and status of each job posting. If you are applying and interviewing for multiple job positions, this can be a good way to ensure you don’t accidentally get details mixed up between job postings or companies, and will help you remember names and interactions you’ve had with potentially multiple people in an organization. Being able to recall details about a position or company can help demonstrate that you are a serious job candidate, and can avoid the impression that you’ve quickly or blindly applied to many jobs.

3. Update Information Regularly

As you progress through the job application process, be sure to continually update your entry for each job position on your job application tracker sheet. For instance, if you get a call back from an employer and they decide to schedule an interview, record those details on your tracking sheet. Ask the person you speak with who you will be interviewing with, and take note of their name.

If you hear back or receive notification that you will not be moving forward in the job selection process, then consider moving this entry to a separate “past job applications” section. Even if you aren’t chosen for a specific position, this doesn’t mean that the company wouldn’t consider you for other positions, so keeping a list of company contacts for prior job positions can be to your benefit. After all, interviewing can be a way to expand your professional network, and keeping in contact with individuals you’ve encountered in the job application process can potentially maintain open doors for future job opportunities.

Even if you haven’t heard anything back from an employer, you can take a bit of extra time to research the company in general and include information in the “other notes about company or job position” section. Doing even a little bit of research before an employer calls to do a phone screening can help you create a positive impression and potentially increase your chances of being invited for an interview.

Also read: Finding transferrable skills for your resume – With Examples

4. Review Information Regularly

Try setting aside dedicated time each day, or multiple times a week, to simply review the information you’ve recorded. Having this information fresh in your mind and help you come stay sharp and well-prepared should your phone ring and you have the sudden opportunity to create a strong first impression.

Hopefully creating a job application tracking system will help you in your job application process, and for helping you secure a job by being able to provide knowledgeable and thoughtful responses to questions posed by a potential employer. If you would like to share any organization tips that have worked for you in your own job search, feel free to share those in the comments below!

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Job Interview Checklist: How to Be Prepared

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The Author

Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman, SHRM-CP, has a background in human resources, anthropology, and international education. His experience teaching English abroad during a gap year as an undergraduate student in Spain ignited his passion and advocacy for student travel. As a human resources professional, Dave is interested in helping students prepare for future career growth, and for helping facilitate social & cultural inclusion in the workplace.